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Explore Our Luxury Collection

Discover how our handcrafted bikinis and swimwear will boost your beauty

Many Styles. Many Colors.
All Glamorous 


What Inspired me?

After not having pursued the dream of being an aute couture fashion designer due to life challenges and and always having meaningless jobs for income, after having said its too late to design and have a career that i was passionate about, life took a turn and I met a Chilean aute couture designer that came to me like if life was showing me the path to teach me that its never too late.

I had to start with something simple, and living in Miami and spending so much time in the ocean, pools and boats and always having an issue with finding swimsuits of my taste it seemed pretty clear I had to design my own bikini line. Being European and living in United States made me have a taste for fashion which was pretty different to most and with a personality that hated being stuck to ordinary ideas... Vkini was born.

My goal is to create, my goal is to make affordable high quality Vkinis that make you unique and confident. That when you take your cover up everyone will stare at you and the unique piece you are wearing...




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